1. Unipolar, bipolar, and polar encoding are types of _______ encoding.
A.  line B.  block C.  NRZ D.  Manchester
2. _______ encoding has a transition at the middle of each bit.
A.  RZ B.  Manchester C.  Differential Manchester D.  All the above
3. _______ encoding has a transition at the beginning of each 0 bit.
A.  RZ B.  Manchester C.  Differential Manchester D.  All the above
4. PCM is an example of _______ conversion.
A.  digital-to-digital B.  digital-to-analog C.  analog-to-analog D.  analog-to-digital
5. If the frequency spectrum of a signal has a bandwidth of 500 Hz with the highest frequency at 600 Hz, what should be the sampling rate, according to the Nyquist theorem?
A.  200 samples/s B.  500 samples/s C.  1000 samples/s D.  1200 samples/s
6. The Nyquist theorem specifies the minimum sampling rate to be_______.
A.  equal to the lowest frequency of a signal B.  equal to the highest frequency of a signal C.  twice the bandwidth of a signal D.  twice the highest frequency of a signal
7. Which of the following encoding methods does not provide for synchronization?
A.  NRZ-L B.  RZ C.  NRZ-I D.  Manchester
8. Which encoding method uses alternating positive and negative values for 1s?
A.  NRZ-I B.  RZ C.  Manchester D.  AMI
9. Which quantization level results in a more faithful reproduction of the signal?
A.  2 B.  8 C.  16 D.  32
10. . Block coding can help in _______ at the receiver.
A.  Synchronization B.  Error detection C.  Attenuation D.  (a) and (b)