Computer Softwares
1. In order to tell Excel that we are entering a formula in cell, we must begin with an operator such as
A.  $ B.  @ C.  + D.  = E.  #
2. GUI stands for
A.  Graph Use Interface B.  Graphical Universal Interface C.  Graphical User Interface D.  Graphical Unique Interface E.  None of these
3. Which one of the following is not an application software package?
A.  Red Hat Linux B.  Microsoft Office C.  Adobe Pagemaker D.  Open Office E.  None of these
4. Which of the following statement is wrong?
A.  Photoshop is a graphical design tool by Adobe B.  Linux is free and open source software C.  Linux is owned and sold by Microsoft D.  Windows XP is an operating system E.  None of the above
5. An error is also known as:
A.  Bug B.  Debug C.  Cursor D.  Icon E.  None of these
6. Microsoft Word is an example of
A.  an operating system B.  Processing device C.  Application software D.  an input device E.  System Software
7. Graphical pictures that represent an object like file, folder etc are:
A.  Task bar B.  Windows C.  Icons D.  Desktop E.  None of these
8. When was the first e-mail sent?
A.  1963 B.  1969 C.  1971 D.  1974
9. Operating System is the most common type of _________ software.
A.  Communication B.  Application C.  System D.  Word Processing Software
10. The file extension of MS-Word document in Office 2007 is _______.
A.  .doc B.  .docx C.  .pdf D.  .txt E.  .xls