Database Systems
1. Which of the following places the common data elements in order from smallest to largest?
A.  character, file, record, field, database B.  character, record, field, database, file C.  character, field, record, file, database D.  Bit, byte, character, record, field, file, database E.  None of these
2. Which of the following statements is FALSE concerning file?
A.  Files may share the same name or the same extension but not both B.  Every file in the same foldr must have a unique name C.  File extension is another name for file type D.  The file extension comes before the dot (.) followed by the file name E.  None of these

DBMS Stand for



Data base marginal system 


Directory Based Memory Standard


Data Base Management System


Dual Bus Mask Storage

4. A collection of interrelated file in computer is a-
A.  File manager B.  Field C.  Record D.  Database
5. The complete picture of data stored in database is known as
A.  Record B.  Schema C.  System flowchart D.  DBMS E.  None of the above
6. A report generator is used to
A.  update files B.  print files on paper C.  data entry D.  All of the above E.  None of the above
7. Which of the following is not a logical data-base structure?
A.  tree B.  relational C.  network D.  chain E.  All of the above
8. Which of the following is a database administrator's function?
A.  database design B.  backing up the database C.  performance monitoring D.  user coordination E.  All of the above
9. Primitive operations common to all record management systems include
A.  Print B.  Sort C.  Look-up D.  All of the above E.  None of the above
10. Each of data files has a _____ that describe the way the data is stored in the file.
A.  File structure B.  Records C.  Fields D.  Database E.  None of the above